Vision 2030

  • ntroduced in April 2016 by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud to achieve King Salman Ibn Abdulaziz Al Saud Directions with the aim of diversifying and expanding the economy competitiveness
  • Vision 2030 builds on Saudi Arabia’s pillars of competitive advantage to deliver on three key themes
  1. A vibrant society
  2. A thriving economy
  3. An ambitious nation
  • Its narrative sets forth the ambitions of the Kingdom over the next years and highlights a selection of commitments, goals, and aspirations like:
  1. Become One of the top 10 countries in Global Competitiveness Report
  2. Reach Rank 25 in Logistics Performance Index
  3. Increase The Foreign Direct Investment Percentage Of GDP


12 Vision Realization Programs


12 Vision Realization Programs developed to deliver impact against strategic objectives, each with specific mandates, owners, and targets:

  1. Enriching the Hajj and Umrah experience
  2. National Transformation Program
  3. PIF Program
  4. National Industrial Development and Logistics Program
  5. Financial Sector Development Program
  6. Lifestyle Improvement Program
  7. National Companies Promotion Program
  8. Strategic Partnership Program
  9. The Housing Program
  10. Privatization Program
  11. Saudi Character Enrichment Program
  12. Fiscal Balance Program


Remarkable initial success


Since the beginning of Vision 2030, there are remarkable quick wins along multiple themes, attesting the seriousness of the country’s transformation into a global and modern nation, in a clear synergy between the government agencies and the amazing interaction from citizens resulting an increase in women’s participation in the workforce, Reduction of budget deficit and Enhanced access to entertainment